August 1, track senior, hockey B, basketball A, Individual freestyle junior, platform jumps

Track senior (15 and older)
8am to 5pm
Location: Bachelard stadium
100m, 50m one foot, 30m wheel walk
Please note, due to the nature of track events, we cannot provide an exact time for each race. Instead, events will continue to run back to back. Please arrive in plenty of time for each race. Previsional schedule / Map
You can find start lists here: 100 m / 50 m one foot / 30 m wheel walk / start lists for 400 m, 800 m, 4×100 m will be available soon
We are still missing volunteers.
Sign-up here:
IUF slalom
8am to 7:45pm, show up when you want
Location: Bachelard stadium
5pm to 8pm, show up when you want
Location: stade Bachelard
The foodtent “La tribu du Cru” will be there at lunch and in the evening.
Hockey B
8am to 7pm B tournament continues at Aristide Bergès Gym
The Gustavo foodtruck will be there for your lunch.
Basketball A
8am to 7pm Basketball A tournament at Jean-Philippe Motte Gym
Platform jumps
10am to 5pm
Location: Unicon village
6:30pm to 8pm Tie-breakers
Individual junior Freestyle
9am to 12pm Age groups (see specific freestyle email or click on event in schedule for exact time)
8pm to 10pm Expert
Location: Halle Clémenceau
You can find start lists here: 0-11 Female / 12-13 Female / 14 Female / 0-14 Male / Junior Expert Female / Junior Expert Male
We are still missing volunteers.
Sign-up here:
Changing volunteer sign-ups
To change volunteering sign-ups, you need to create a sign-up genius account. This also allows you to check what you signed up for.