July 30, MUni downhill / uphill, hockey B, trials finals

投稿者: Riri 投稿日:

Muni downhill and uphill

6am Take our buses at Palais des Sports, or meet us at 7am at Prapoutel les 7 Laux.

We are still missing A LOT of volunteers for bus info, check-in crew, course volunteers, etc. Without enough volunteers, the race will be canceled!

Sign-up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050b4aa8aa29aaf58-unicon4

Hockey B

The B tournament.

8am to 7pm

Location: Gymnase Aristide Bergès

The Gustavo food truck will be there for your lunch meal.

Trials finals

7pm to 10pm

Location: Halle Clémenceau

We are still missing judges (no special skills required).

Sign-up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050b4aa8aa29aaf58-unicon3 

Trials build

We are still missing volunteers for trials finals build (Halle Clémenceau from 9am to 6pm)

Sign-up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050b4aa8aa29aaf58-unicon3


Flatland starting lists are now available online and on the app. 


At 6:30pm, before trials finals will be our first raffle draw. Win a Mad4one freestyle 16 inch, a seat post,  unicycle, Decathlon gift cards or a pass to use cabins to go to the Bastille in Grenoble. You can still buy tickets!

Special characters in SignUp Genius (volunteering platform)

The platform doesn’t accept special characters. Please write your name and the languages you speak only with standard letters (no accents). 

カテゴリー: Information




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