Still many volunteers for the track races needed !

投稿者: Riri 投稿日:

Dear participants and possible volunteers, 

the competitions at the Unicon can only be run with your help!

Unfortunately, many volunteer positions are still unfilled for the track races, but they must be filled for running them. Please check again if you or your companion can help and register online as a volunteer – this is possible via the following link:

If you need information about the positions, you can look in the Volunteer Handbook ( or, if the question is not answered there, write us an email (

If you or your companion – whether parents, siblings, friends, coaches… – have time, please sign up online as a volunteer. Whether for just one shift or for several, every helper counts. All helpers will be briefed on site by the race directors.

Kind regards from your track directors

カテゴリー: Information




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