Up and Downhill Results

글쓴이 Riri 날짜

Dear Uphill and Downhill competitors,

Thank you for a beautiful day on the hill. We are very impressed with your performance and commend your sportsmanship.

Results from the day is now published on the website https://unicon2020.reg.unicycling-software.com/en/results

Please have a look at them, and let us know if there are any results missing.

You know that due to delays in volunteer staffing and a strict departure time by the bus service contracted with Unicon20, we were not able to extend the uphill competition as we hoped and said while on the mountain. These issues added up to create very unfortunate circumstances. We hope you understand that Unicon20 is run by volunteers and that is what makes it affordable but also subject to cancelations such as this.

Many of you have protested the arrangements of the uphill course and that you were unable to compete in the uphill event. We recognize your protest and have discussed at length the possibility, logistics, and IUF rules in order to hold a makeup race. We regret to inform you that we have decided we are unable to hold a makeup Uphill race. The reasons include:

  • Logistics of supplies,
  • Arrangements with the facility of Les 7 Laux,
  • Staffing the course,
  • Re-creation of conditions, and
  • Re-creation of the precise uphill course.

Furthermore we had technical issues with the timing on the Elite Downhill second course finish. Due to this error, we do not have accurate finish times for everyone and thus cannot provide an accurate finish time for any finalist on the Elite Downhill second course. We accept that we failed on this task and ask for your understanding. 

The Elite Downhill first course times are accurate and will be used for the results.

We are very sorry to deliver these messages as it is also disappointing to us; it is not the conclusion we would like either. We offer our sincerest apologies and hope that you will understand these conditions. 


On behalf of the Unicon20 Muni Team

카테고리: Information

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