
대회 등록을 통해 20번째 유니콘에 참가하실 수 있습니다. 경쟁 부문과 비경쟁 부문으로 지원하실 수 있습니다. 경쟁 부문 참가자는 경기에 참여하실 수 있으며, 비경쟁 부문 참가자는 워크샵이나 퍼레이드와 같은 비경쟁 부문 행사에만 참여하실 수 있습니다.

중요 사항 : 유니콘20에 참가하시려면 최소한 비경쟁 부문 참가자로 등록을 하셔야 합니다. 예를들어, 퍼레이드에 참여하기 위해서는 비경쟁 부문 참가자로 등록하셔야 합니다.

Following the postponment of Unicon 20 to 2022 because of the Covid-19 pandemic, new registration and refund conditions have been determined by the Unicon 20 team. Please see below.

If you are already registered to Unicon 20, we encourage you to stay registered for 2022.

등록비 및 세부사항
Standard registrationVery late registration
Last date to register17-04-202206-30-2022
Competitor230 €280 €
Non-competitor90 €130 €

Please note that these prices don’t include the IUF membership: 15€.

You were registered for Unicon 2020, asked for a refund when it was first postponed (only refunds asked for before the 5th of December 2020 are eligible), and would now like to register again. You are eligible for a 30 euros discount (competitors) or 15 euros (non competitors). Use the same registration account, and contact us before you pay at contact@unicon20.fr.

가족 할인

As a family, you can ask for a discount of 10%.


You must be at least 3 competitors from the same family at the same address and at least two of which are under 18 years of age.


First you need to register and pay for your IUF membership.
Then, you need to apply for the discount: send an email to contact@unicon20.fr with the registration IDs of the competitors and supporting documentation.

Eligible but already registered and paid?

Not a problem, apply with the same information as above to get your partial refund!

환불 정책

Till January, 16th 2022: refund except for 35 euros (competitors) or 15 euros (non competitors)
From January, 17th 2022 to April, 17th 2022: 60% refund
From April, 18th 2022 to June, 30th 2022: 30% refund
After June, 30th 2022: no refund

Registrations are now closed.

등록 후에는 악천후 등의 이유로 경기가 취소 될 수 있음을 명심하셔야 합니다. 만약 경기가 취소되면 이후에 다시 진행할 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠습니다.

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