Call for volunteers !

Veröffentlicht von Riri am

bénévole grenoble monocycle

The world unicycle championship is coming to Grenoble!

12 days of competitions of all kinds (flat, trial, road race, or collective sports…), the event includes 35 unicycle events.
12 days of celebration because unicycling is also fun and a good friendly atmosphere.

To carry out this event from July 26 to August 06, we need volunteers like you!
All information and registration here:
To go directly to registration, click here:

Kategorien: Information

2 Kommentare

Miriam Stoate · 12 Juli 2022 um 9 h 17 min

Hello, My son, James, and I are going to be spectators at Unicon – can we volunteer? We’d like to help with the Muni events, serve the meal on the last evening, etc. – can we sign up to do this? Also, are there buses taking people to the starts for the Muni and Uphill Road Race and if so how do we book a place on the bus? Is it for Competitors only – my daughter is 16 – so does she need a parent with her? Thanks Miriam

François - Unicon 20 · 12 Juli 2022 um 10 h 48 min

Hello Miriam!

As spectators, as anything actually, yes, you can volunteer! Just sign-up on our system sign-up genius. MEal will be in the General help tab, MUni events, obviously in the MUni tab :D.

Buses will be for competitors or volunteers. If you’re volunteering, you can take them. Otherwise you will have to take public transportation, or arrange car pooling.

Spots on the buses cannot be booked. A 16 year old can definitely be on her own :).

I am glad you wish to volunteer! See you soon in Grenoble!

François, Unicon 20 team

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