Déclaration à propos du Coronavirus

Publié par Riri le

L'équipe Unicon a reçu des questions concernant les conséquences potentielles du coronavirus sur l'Unicon 2020. Nous pouvons comprendre vos interrogations. Voici donc la déclaration officielle de l'IUF :

Le conseil d'administration de l'IUF et les organisateurs d'Unicon 2020 encouragent tous les monocyclistes à continuer à se préparer pour Unicon 2020. Unicon est dans moins de 5 mois et nous ne pouvons pas faire d'hypothèses sur les annulations à ce stade. Le conseil d'administration de l'IUF et les organisateurs d'Unicon 2020 continueront de surveiller la situation et de suivre les directives de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) et du gouvernement français. 

Pour le moment, nous demandons à tous les athlètes et participants de faire preuve de prudence et de protéger leur santé. Le Comité olympique a publié ces informations en coordination avec l’OMS pour les athlètes du monde entier sur https://www.olympic.org/…/coronavirus-outbreak-advice-for-…/

Alors ne manquez pas de vous inscrire maintenant, bientôt l’inscription entrera dans la troisième phase d'inscription. Faites des économies.

A bientôt en France !

Catégories : Informations

12 commentaire

George Carra · 12 mars 2020 à 12 h 53 min

Hello. The news that has been coming through is that the Hamburg Marathon, in Germany, has been postponed. This is an international event. No events with more than 1000 people will be held in the whole of Germany. That’s quite something! Please update weather Unicon will be going ahead. An airline, here in Australia, called Quantes, has cancelled many flights , 25% in fact. This is making it difficult to travel to Europe. I understand this is not an easy decision. Thank you, George, Australia.

    l’Unicon 20. · 14 mars 2020 à 12 h 02 min

    The statement stands for now. We will keep monitoring the situation, but Unicon is still 4 months away.

Team monominchia · 14 mars 2020 à 8 h 33 min

Hi all, we are a team from Italy, none of us has registered yet, because we are already struggling with normal life.
Italy is considered very high risk, we cannot go out our houses if not primarily necessary, like buying food.
Most of us are not working, because everything is shut down.
Training is often not an option, we can’t reach muni spots for example, because police would stop us, with bad consequences.
We know it’s hard to imagine, if you are not in the same restrictions and dangers.
People who’s not working and hence have a compromised economic situation, is not sure whether it’s worth risking to give money for the registration (plus flight and all), and not having a refund in case things don’t get sorted soon enough.
We hope the organisation can understand the delicate situation and revise at least the dates of the third stage to give us more breath.
Thanks for your attention

    Davide Riffaldi · 14 mars 2020 à 10 h 52 min

    I would like to clarify that it is not only Italy that is experiencing a high risk situation. The risk is high all over the world, except that in Italy we have blocked everything out of a sense of responsibility

    l’Unicon 20. · 14 mars 2020 à 12 h 04 min

    The situation is very special. We have thus decided to postpone the second deadline. It is now set to the 5th of april. We keep monitoring the situation.

Davide Riffaldi · 14 mars 2020 à 10 h 34 min

I am Italian and I am experiencing a situation that I never imagined. I have already completed the registration and paid in mid-December, with all the intentions of coming to UNICON. A few days ago I sent you an email to find out how you will manage any refunds … Your answer was
. At this point I ask you the question again: If you cancel the event, how will you manage the refunds? thank you

l’Unicon 20. · 14 mars 2020 à 12 h 08 min

Hi Davide,

The refund policy stands if someone asks to cancel his registration, while the event keeps going. However, if we are forced to cancel, or postpone, we will do our best to refund everyone who wants to. Of course, it depends when that happens, in what conditions, etc. The situation is very complex for us too, as organisers. We are trying to have as much information as we can. So far, Unicon is still on.

Davide Riffaldi · 14 mars 2020 à 15 h 51 min

ok, thanks, … and good luck to each of us.

Chris Peng · 18 mars 2020 à 3 h 04 min


I understand that Unicon is still on, however on our side, our government have a statement that all school groups are banned to go abroad until the end of August. Also our flight to France, which transfer at Dubai , is suspended until further notice.So we are definitely can’t participate in the competition.
I would like to know how you will manage our refunds basic on this situation?

François · 18 mars 2020 à 18 h 12 min

Hi Chris,

We understand your situation, and the situation is complex and hard to grasp for everyone (especially us…). Please give us a few days to answer and communicate.

Thank you,

François for the Unicon 20 team.

Alberto Ruiz · 24 mars 2020 à 3 h 48 min

I organized U4 and presided the IUF several years. I know you have some difficult decisions and we should respect them.
I strongly suggest that you postpone U20 until Summer 2021. I know you have competitors, sponsors, volunteers and others to worry about, but you will have a better UNICON in 2021.
There are precedents. U5 was postponed from 1990 to 1991. U6 was held in 1992 as scheduled.
Many competitors travel from all over the world and may not be able to schedule flights or may not get government permission on time.
Alberto Ruiz
Puerto Rico

Teknik Informatika · 29 juin 2024 à 1 h 02 min

What guidelines will the IUF Board and Unicon 2020 organizers follow when monitoring the situation?

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