Participate in the Unicon 20 movie night!

글쓴이 Riri 날짜

movie night unicon 20

We propose a friendly evening watching and admiring the work of talented unicyclists like you. It will be an evening dedicated to unicycling videos; we are going to broadcast unpublished videos specially designed for the occasion.

You can find all the details on the Workshop Document ! Go and have a look and don’t hesitate to propose us a video 😉

If you wish, you can publish it as a premiere on Youtube the same evening as the event (date to come soon).

Do you have any question? Ask

카테고리: Information

3개의 댓글

Lixin Du · 12 4월 2022 16 h 35 min

What is an “unrecorded video” on YT? What is the difference with my regular YT videos?

    n. a. · 13 4월 2022 2 h 28 min

    Probably “unlisted”.

    Elise (Team Unicon20) · 13 4월 2022 18 h 15 min

    The previous reply is right, we meant “unlisted video”, that is a video that only people with a link can access. We will edit the article to fix that.

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